Friday, September 6, 2013

Athabasca Glacier Gifts

Spending time amidst the mountains has a positive influence on our own health and spirit, those we are with, pass by and those we have yet to meet. While working for Icewalks over the past two years I have had the pleasure of finding several diamonds amidst the Athabasca glacier, but not of the type one would expect. We've found 300 000 + year old trilobites (fossils), learned where the oldest tree lives (a white bark pine aged 1100 years old) and revived lady bugs, dragonflies, butterflies and moths that were found frozen in glacier ice. These lovely insects go into a state of torpor on the glacier and come to life when warmed. I'm still waiting to see what happens when we revive a wasp, hornet or bee...

This year I discovered a multi-day backpack and skis on the glacier. Was the torn shirt remains of a person? Fortunately not! The shirt attached to the backpack was in rags; the skis were twisted and torn, core fibres exposed; the pack weathered; it all appeared to be 15-20 years old. The pack smelled really fowl, so the pack and all its contents were left on the glacier. For weeks, the backpack was used as an interpretive piece where we would inspect a new item each time we visited. After about eight visits over four weeks we found a shovel, cleverly scribed on it was a name written in permanent felt marker. Further query, or a post on Facebook led to the rightful owner, not frozen in the ice!

See below for an interesting account of misadventure, exploration and cathartic rediscovery by Robert Maiman. Or listen to the CBC Eye Opener from September 10th, 2013: Lost and Found on the Athabasca, where Rob is interviewed after being reacquainted with his pack 12 years later.  

Monday, July 8, 2013

2013 Yukon River Quest Results

Thanks to all my supporters and donars, the Outward Bound Canada team finished the 715 km race from Whitehorse to Dawson City in 50 hours, 20 min. We came in 12th place overall, 5th in the voyageur category and 3rd in the mixed voyageur. 

Some people say to win is to be in the running, but really the secret to winning this race is copious chocolate covered coffee beans, being on the water first, paddling through the lightening, catching the fast currents, taking the short cuts, drafting, callouses, bum cushions, leuko tape, amazing navigators, an amazing support team full of beans, an indefatigable spirit and something to combat narcolepsy, something real strong! Oh and did I say Advil, yes being fueled by Advil or sponsored is a must, preferably the liquid kind!

A video for you, enjoy: 

Please send future donations for the Outward Bound Canada Women of Courage program to:

Outward Bound Canada
Centre for Green Cities, 
550 Bayview Ave., Suite 404,
Toronto, ON        M4W 3X8

 Or call to make a donation Toll-free: 1.888.OUTWARD (688.9273) ext. 201

Monday, January 14, 2013

Paddle the Yukon!

2013 Yukon River Quest Fundraiser

This year from June 26-30th I will participate in the Yukon River Quest, 'The World's Longest Annual Canoe and Kayak Race,' from Whitehorse to Dawson City.

As a member of Outward Bound Canada's ten person voyageur canoe team, we will paddle 715 km, to raise awareness and funding for Outward Bound's Women of Courage programs. The WOC program sponsors several women survivors every year to experience life enriching wilderness adventures. To donate, or for more information check-out the highlighted links below!

Support my fundraising initiative: Donate to the Outward Bound Canada - Women of Courage Program 

Thanks to all the donors thus far, you know who you are! The next two people to donate get one of two gift certificates for $20 from Switching Gear Inc.

T-Shirts are in! Get yours at Embody Pilates Botique in Downtown Canmore, Alberta.

Follow us on Facebook: Outward Bound Canada competes in the Yukon River Quest or visit the Yukon River Quest website.

Each paddler needs one hearty support person to help and cheer us on, so we need ten in total! Contact me should you be into a northern adventure come June, commitment dates run from June 23rd to Canada Day!